Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Guitar Pro Tab | v4.06
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:39 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Song Author
John Lennon
File Size
23 KB
Pic-ture your-self in a boat on a riv-er with tan-ger-ine trees and mar-ma-lade skies. Some bod-y calls you, you an-swer quiet slow-ly a girl with kal-eid-o-scope eyes. Cel-lo-phane flow-ers of yel-low and green tow-er-ing o-ver your head. Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and she's gone. Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds, Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds, Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds. Ahhh! Fol-low her down to a bridge by a foun-tain where rock-ing horse people eat marsh mel-low pies. Ev'-ry-one smiles as you drift past the flow-ers that grow so in-cred-i-bly high. News-pa-per tax-is ap-pear on the shore wait-ing to take you a-way climb in the back with your head in the clouds and you're gone. Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds, Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds, Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds. Ahhh! Pic-ture your-self on a train in a sta-tion with plas-ti-cine porters with look-ing glass ties. Sud-den-ly some-one is there at the turn-stile the girl with kal-eid-o-scope eyes. Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds, Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds, Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds. Ahhh! Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds, Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds, Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds. Ahhh! Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds, Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds, Lu-cy in the sky with dia-monds. Ahhh!
You don't have to use acid to enjoy this song.
But it might help.